Take it and do it: how to document the GraphQL API to keep developers excited
40 min
“Holy mother of God, wow!” — this was the comment I received from the leader of the development team when I showed him the final version of the GraphQL API documentation (you will see a screenshot of this message on the slide :) when you come to the talk).
In the presentation, I will outline what the GraphQL API is, its distinctive features, and nuances.
I will also discuss ways of documenting GraphQL API and about three forms of documentation for such APIs:
- Documenting in GraphQL (GraphQL Playground).
- Preparing a static reference site.
- Familiarising GraphQL documentation on a doc portal for developers or users.
I will explain where and how a technical writer can quickly deploy their own GraphQL API to practice interacting with it through Postman or GraphQL Playground.
I will provide a link to useful materials that will help you quickly deploy your GraphQL API in the cloud and explore it from all angles.