Speaking the Same Language of Notations with the Development Team... Or How to Tame a Fox

  • 40 min

The quality criteria of technical documentation are completeness and accuracy. The latter is rather difficult to fulfil — natural language is not always unambiguously perceived by all participants. Sometimes accuracy in documentation can be achieved by using graphical form, for example, flowcharts and diagrams. Sometimes, to accurately describe all the functions and limitations of a product for users — it is important to get involved as early as possible and be able to communicate with an analyst and developer in the same language of models, methodologies, methods, and notations.

But there are a huge number of models and notations. Firstly, it is very difficult to grasp in principle all these definitions. Secondly, it is not immediately clear why there are so many methods and notations, when and what notation analysts and developers use. And finally, how a tech writer can effectively work with these graphical forms.

My goal is to lay everything out and systematise the main approaches.

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