Technical Writers in the certification. Interaction with the Ministry of Industry and Trade
40 min
At the stage of developing a new product or entering new markets, many people think about how companies can obtain certificates, evidences, and other required permits from government regulators for their products. And who in the company will be engaged in the registration of such documents.
As practice has shown, technical writers, with their unique knowledge and expertise in various business areas, are best suited for such task:
- cross-functional interaction within the company;
- interaction with government regulators.
We will discuss interaction with external regulators such as:
1. Rospatent
2. Ministry of Digital Development
3. Ministry of Industry and Trade
talk will reflect who, how and what documents were issued in accordance with
the requirements of government regulators.
I will talk about what technical writers are "capable of" when faced with ambitious tasks and have the necessary resources, as well as about the results of their work and management recognition.